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Upgrade yourLerna experience

Don't miss out on the latest features: local caching by default, remote distribution, task pipelines, PNPM support, dynamic terminal output, Prettier support, "lerna repair" command and more.

Read more in our blog post.


Add caching

Stuck? Need some help?

Reach out to us! We help open source repositories with their upgrade to make sure they get most out of their Lerna setup.

How to upgrade Lerna in 3 minutes

How to add caching to Lerna in one command

What is
Modern Lerna?

Lerna is now faster, more reliable, and more powerful than ever. The "new Lerna" comes with modern features such as local & remote caching support, task pipelines, improved terminal output, Prettier & NPM/Yarn/PNPM workspaces support combined with what the community already loved: a built-in versioning and publishing workflow.